Car Rental in every airport in Sardinia
Pick a car and different options. Our system allows you to choose exactly what you desire.
Within a few minutes, you ‘ll receive the written confirmation of your booking. That way, the car will be ready when you arrive.
We’ll be expecting your arrival. Sign the contract we’ll have drafted for you, make your payment and pick up the car.
Our cars are new, and we renew the fleet every 6 months.
Our great-uncle was a pilot who decides, at the end of his career, to venture his whole fortune to open the first rental of new cars in Cagliari .
He designed the company’s logo himself, inspired by his car’s grille. This logo is still in use to this day, and distingishes proudly our company for its great experience and sense of tradition.
The company is still run by the descendants of the great-uncle, and its capital is 100% Italian. Our strengths are our clear prices and our latest models.
Read all the original reviews of our agencies
Rent a Car in Cagliari | in Olbia | in Alghero
Raramente lascio recensioni su google ma se qualcosa mi colpisce scelgo di spendere qualche minuto e dedicare 5 stelle a chi se le merita! Che dire? Se quello che si cerca è una compagnia di noleggio...
Senza tanti giri di parole volete noleggiare un auto a prezzi giusti e senza sorprese alla riconsegna Ruvioli è il posto giusto! ...
Local Guide
Prima volta che noleggio un’auto e mi sono sentita subito al sicuro. Parlare chiaro, senza giri di parole, senza “ma, se, forse, però”, difatti non abbiamo avuto alcun problema,...
Local Guide
Ottimo servizio veloci precisi macchina ok. Abbiam provocato un colpo al paraurti posteriore e l'addetto Ruvioli di Olbia é stato gentile e abbiam trovato un accordo onesto in pochi minuti....
Local Guide
Agenzia di noleggio assolutamente da consigliare .affidabili e con un servizio impeccabile .complimenti
Local Guide
Buon prezzo, personale gentile e disponibile all'assistenza telefonica; la macchina non era un granché (panda), ma alla fine per girare per tre settimane di vacanza è andata bene, era nuova . Sono...
Local Guide
What you need to know about Terms, Insurance and Services
Without confirmation from our part, bookings will not be considered valid.
Our rates and terms of agreement can be modified without notice.
Terms of Agreement are laid down on the rental contract.
Minimum rental duration : 1 day.
The driver must be at least 21 years old and has to have a valid driver’s licence issued at least three years ago.
Before the beginning of the lease, you will be required to make a guarantee deposit with a credit card. Other means of payment can be agreed upon beforehand.
Office hours may vary. We advise you to check this in advance.
Civil liability towards third parties, including transported persons with the following limits: € 2,582,284.50 per claim; € 2,582,284.50 per person, animal or property;
Fire and theft for the value of the vehicle.
Damage caused to the rented vehicle.
Driver accident policy.
Oil maintenance and repair at our agencies.
In case of breakdown or accident: Fiat assistance 24 hours a day.
Use our booking system to request a quote or make a booking.
If you have any questions, see our Terms and Conditions and Frequently Asked Questions.